Microsoft MB-910 : Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (CRM) Practice Tests

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Exam Number : MB-910
Exam Name : Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (CRM)
Vendor Name : Microsoft
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MB-910 test Format | MB-910 Course Contents | MB-910 Course Outline | MB-910 test Syllabus | MB-910 test Objectives


EXAM NAME: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (CRM)


Describe Dynamics 365 Marketing (15-20%)

Describe Dynamics 365 Sales (15-20%)

Describe Dynamics 365 Customer Service (15-20%)

Describe Dynamics 365 Field Service (15-20%)

Describe shared features (20-25%)

Describe Dynamics 365 Marketing (15–20%)

Describe Dynamics 365 Marketing capabilities

• Describe the process for generating and scoring leads by using marketing forms and pages

• Describe how to target customers by using segments and subscription lists

• Describe email marketing concepts and processes

• Describe the process of automating marketing activities by using customer journeys

• Describe event management features and capabilities

• Describe real-time marketing concepts and processes

Describe marketing-related apps

• Describe the capabilities of Dynamics 365 Customer Insights

Describe the capabilities of Dynamics 365 Customer Voice

Describe Dynamics 365 Sales (15–20%)

Describe the Dynamics 365 Sales lifecycle

• Describe the lead management process

• Describe the opportunity management process

• Describe the quote lifecycle

• Describe order and invoice management

• Describe sales pipeline and forecasting concepts

Describe sales-related apps

• Describe capabilities of Dynamics 365 Sales Insights

• Describe capabilities of LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Describe Dynamics 365 Customer Service (15–20%)

Describe Dynamics 365 Customer Service components

• Describe knowledge management

• Describe the case lifecycle including service-level agreements (SLAs) and entitlements

• Describe how to use queues to manage work

• Describe Omnichannel for Customer Service

• Describe historical analytics

Describe Dynamics 365 Field Service (15–20%)

Describe Field Service capabilities

• Describe the work order lifecycle

• Describe capabilities of the inspections feature

Describe scheduling capabilities

• Describe resource and scheduling processes

• Describe scheduling options including Schedule Assistant and Resource Schedule Optimization (RSO)

• Describe customer assets and how to enable proactive customer asset maintenance by using

Connected Field Service

Describe shared features (20–25%)

Identify common customer engagement features

• Describe Microsoft Dataverse as the foundation for Dynamics 365 apps

• Describe the Dynamics 365 customer engagement apps

• Describe customers and activities

Describe integration options

• Describe built-in reporting capabilities including dashboards, charts and views

• Describe Microsoft Teams integration capabilities

• Describe email capabilities including App for Outlook

• Describe how Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word can be used with Dynamics 365 apps

• Describe options for analyzing data by using Power BI

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MB-910 Exam

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